Acidicification is the logical precursor to many afflictions, manifesting its many different -'itis' forms. someone who is excessively acidic won't suffer them all. We will only be prone to those conditions that prey upon our specific physiological weakness. These may be determined by temperament, genetics, trauma, lifestyle, or even job.
Some people will be affected primarily at the dermal (skin) level, others at the respiratory level, others may be affected in their nerves, teeth, gums, eyes or skeleton. On a daily level, acidification is so often the cause of continued, unexplainable fatigue. An acidic person may have a distinct lack of drive or enthusiasm, may tire quickly and recover slowly. They may be irritable, worry excessively, sleep poorly, or even become depressed. The reason is fundamental; the nervous system need a constant and steady supply of magnesium, calcium and potassium. These same minerals are the ones plundered by the body to counteract excessive lifestyle.
How to tell if you are suffering from excessive acidification?
There are several tests that are easy to perform and interpret. Although the pH test is the quickest and easiest, it's well worthwhile to perform at least one or more to confirm your diagnosis and to enlarge upon your understanding of your own condition.
Urinary PH Testing
We are both a food ingester and a waste processor. We can learn from measuring the effects it has on our body after the fact in our elimination of what we don't need, i.e. excess acids. We are concentrating on what comes from our renal (kidneys) system. We are constantly using the kidneys to remove acid that irritates tissue and depletes them of minerals. Normally, urine form the kidneys will leave the body with a pH from 6.8 to 7.5. So by testing the acidity of the urine you can see whether your body is rejecting a normal healthy load of acid wastes. If it is working to excrete more than a normal healthy body does, this will be reflected in a more acidic pH. It will also be an indication that the body is saturated and therefore excessively acidic.
Why Test Often?
One test only reflects one moment inyour body's ever changing rhythms of maintenance. Results will vary during the day due to a range of factors such as meals, activity, stress etc. So although we can get and indication from our test, getting a broad spectrum picture really need several tests per day for up to five days. Generally speaking, your first urine in the morning is not representative of your normal pH. It is laden with acids the kidneys have proccesed overnight. The second urination, therefore, is better.
In Conclusion
The alkaline theory isn't new or trendy. Its about our most fundamental health balance and it is rooted in centuries of traditional medicine practised by non western countries. The real gift of the alkaline theory is not found at the doctor. It is found prior to the doctor - in your own home, in your own attitude to food, lifestyle and stress. Its in your hands.
Call Vivienne to make an appointment on 0404 505 235.